To be safe
B 1981
LNY 1995, (Successfully avoided my zone school)
RNY 1998, (Expelled from school)
LNY 2010
RNY 2012
LNY 2015
RNY 2016
M-theory is conjectured by Edward Witten.
Experimental proof is obtained that neutrinos have mass.
One of Jupiter’s stripes was found to be missing.
German scientists convert a gold sphere just 60 nanometers in diameter into an ultrasensitive listening device, potentially allowing for the sounds of bacteria and other single cell organisms to be recorded.
Astronomers have observed and measured a neutron star slipping out of view because of the warp in space-time it’s orbit creates. The star is expected to reappear in about 160 years.
The discovery of quantum tunneling of water molecules is reported.
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